Today was an ok day I suppose. I went to work at Disney, which wasn't too bad. I'm happy I stuck with Disney instead of changing jobs.
Also, today my very good friend Kristina sent me this scary thing.
Knowing that I hate Whales and various other sea creatures because they terrify me she's evil :P haha but the worst (or best however you look at it) is on the back!
How terrifying!!! I still love it though haha. Thanks Kristina!
Well not much else is going on so until next time~
This, my friends is Ringo. He is my lovely (yet destructive) one year old dachshund.
So I suck at updating my blog heh. I will from now on update every other day ( or at least try to!) I've been really missing my friends back in San Antonio lately :( I talk to them on a fairly regular basis but it's still hard. I sort of can't wait to go back home and see everyone during X-Mas! So this past weekend was ok I suppose. My roommate and some of his friends went to the Little Italy festival (I think it was on Saturday heh) over in Bloomfield and it was pretty cute. We had gelato (mmmm mocha gelato!) which was really good because I was missing gelato (if you go to SA,TX make sure you stop at Brindles! Yummy gelato!). The rest of the weekend wasn't anything to get excited about. Actually, my roommate and his friend wanted to meet Michael Phelps on Saturday over at the mall but they got there too late so they couldn't boo hoo for them :( Afterwards, we went to Trader Joes and OMG everything is so cheap and good! I really loved it. That was pretty much my weekend! Exciting, yes I know!
Today, I went to orientation for my new job and everyone was really nice so I'm excited. My official first day of working is on Thursday. I'm also excited about it because it's at a craft store and I've always wanted to work at one :) I wish it were the end of October already! I'm hoping I'll be more financially stable by then and also Halloween! I think I want to go Guro loli because I have the perfect white skirt that's dying to be splashed with fake blood ;)
So I have been in a hot tea mood lately, I had some Orange tea earlier today mmmm
Sorry for the horrendous pic quality, I always forget or am too lazy to get my proper camera :P I swear better pics next time! Well, until next time!
Oh, almost forgot! There was this vampire cartoon I remembered watching as a kid. My dad had rented me the video at blockbuster or some such place and I recently thought of it but I could not remember the name! So I typed in "vampire cartoon 80's" etc on google and no luck finally someone over at ONTD_TWATLIGHT on Livejournal made a post about it!
It's been awhile since my last post...whoops! I'll try and get better at this. Anywho, life has been pretty eventful these past few days since I last updated. I finally started working and am definitely hating it! I've been with this company for almost three years now and I've transferred to the Pittsburgh location. They treat me as though I have no clue as to what I am doing. It's really bugging me! So I've applied at other places because I need two jobs and I have received jobs at two other places and now I have to choose which places I want to work at so I have some thinking to do!
Right now Pittsburgh is going through the whole G20 thing and it's quite annoying! I don't care if you call me ignorant about this or that but I hate politics and I hate this.
My best friend from back in San Antonio is coming to visit me in November so I am totally psyched about that! We plan on spending some time here in Pittsburgh and then going to Baltimore to visit some shrine to Divine or something and finally we'll end up in Virgina to see Kaya at some anime convention! We've seen Kaya before in California during PMX and he puts on an amazing show so I can't wait to see him again! I just can't wait to have guests period. I know another friend is coming to see us in the end of December/ beginning of January. Also, my roommates mother and some of her friends are coming and also my own mother during Spring Break! whee!
I've created this blog as a means to just start a collection of, what I think is the most important time in my life (or unlife :P) I've just relocated myself to a new place. It's completely different from my old home and I'm quite excited about it! I was born and raised a Texas girl, a southern Texas girl to be exact and now here I am up north in Pennsylvania! I know I'm not the first person in the world to relocate but it's really important to me. I always said I would move out of Texas when I was in High School which was almost 5 years ago! I'm here 22 years old and I've finally done it! I'm so excited and I can't wait for my life to actually begin. For now I am a Dead Girl.