A photo I took last month of the first rays of sunlight of spring!
I really should be asleep by now but lately I just can't sleep at night. Well, it's not such a strange thing for me because I'm a night owl but it's making tired while I'm at work during the day.
All day today I could not stop hearing "Across the Universe" by The Beatles! It's just such a beautiful song! Right now though, I'm hearing Dead Souls by Joy Division.
I don't know what on earth I would do without music in my life. Everything I've been listening to lately has just helped me so much lately. Helped me with coping with the fact that in some ways my freedom was taken away when my car broke down. Helped me feel not so lonely in a city where I have no one to turn to. I just feel so thankful to these artists for doing what they do because without their music I would be doomed.
I'm so excited I'm going to make a counter and come back here every now and then to see how much time is left until I get to go home!!
I want to go shopping so badly! I might buy myself a little something tomorrow :)
Yesterday, I had some time to kill so I went into forever21 thinking I was just going to be buying a black beret and I walked out with the beret and a pair of skinny black jeans and I also stopped by H&M and got myself some sunglasses because my poor eyes can't stand the sun!
Well I'm off to attempt sleep!
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